Maria S. Mendes
The November issue of Jogos Florais
brings you an interview with the poet Michael Longley, with whom we talked about orchids, long walks to see otters, poems about animals, patterns, kilts, Carrigskeewaun, as well as the difference between a translation and a poem. Michael Longley also gave us two beautiful unpublished poems, which you may read here.
In the New Poems’ section Telmo Rodrigues analyses and translates “Estrela D’Ouro’s Fado”, a song performed by the Portuguese band Pega Monstro.
Jeffrey Childs translated two famous poems from Camilo Pessanha, a well-known fin-de-siècle Portuguese author.
You may also read Lawrence Rhu’s analysis of Rodney Jones’ “Rain on Tin”, Helena Carneiro’s reading of Raymond Carver’s “The Grant”, or Rita Faria’s take on Bernardim Ribeiro’s “Greater plight was never cast”.
Don’t forget to take your pick at our Marginalia section, where you will find a number of curiosities about authors such as Louisa May Alcott, Raphael Alberti, and William Faulkner, amongst others.