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Dyz-m’a myn meu coraçã, Nuno Pereyra


Dyz-m’a myn meu coraçã, Nuno Pereyra

joana meirim

Tell me now this, my heart, translation Rita Faria


Tell me now this, my heart,

because this I will not silence:

– Why do I follow your art,

Does the passion not suffice

for this trouble that I harbour?

For if it had entangled you

as it has entangled me,

and if yours would pine as mine,

you would say it is for certain

that this trouble is death nigh.

Dyz-m’a myn meu coraçã, Nuno Pereyra


Dyz-m’a myn meu coraçã,

porque m’a isto nam calo:

– Pera que vos dou rezão,

poys vos nam chega payxam

deste cuydado que falo?

Ca se vos ele apertasse

asy como m’ele aperta,

e o voso assy penasse,

diryeys que se julgasse

o cuydar por morte çerta.

Nuno Pereyra, “Dyz-m’a myn meu coraçã”, Cancioneiro Geral de Garcia de Resende, texto estabelecido, prefaciado e anotado por Álvaro J. da Costa Pimpão e Aida Fernanda Dias. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Românicos, Instituto de Alta Cultura, 1973.

Rita Faria is a professor at the Catholic University of Portugal. She doesn’t know how to do anything else apart from reading and writing and wants to do nothing else apart from reading and writing. Besides this, she enjoys horror films, vampires, ghosts and zombies in general and thinks the Portuguese language is the most fun in the whole world.