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Filtering by Tag: Antre tamanhas mudanças

I face such great changes

Maria S. Mendes

I face such great changes, translation Rita Faria


I face such great changes,

what can I find safe?

Hope which is so lame,

Misfortune which remains…


All my long illusions beget

All these disillusionments, and let

them go, for time and years have passed 

and other concerns I’ve amassed.

Change for me is no more,

a safe pain I’ll have instead:

let in futile hope tread

those who risk what they ignore!


Antre tamanhas mudanças, Bernardim Ribeiro


Antre tamanhas mudanças,

que cousa terei segura?

Duvidosas esperanças,

Tão certa desaventura...


Venham estes desenganos

Do meu longo engano, e vão,

que já o tempo e os anos

outros cuidados me dão.

Já não sou para mudanças,

mais quero ũador segura:

vá crê-las vãs esperanças

quem não sabe o qu’aventura!


Rita Faria is a professor at the Catholic University of Portugal. She doesn’t know how to do anything else apart from reading and writing and wants to do nothing else apart from reading and writing. Besides this, she enjoys horror films, vampires, ghosts and zombiesin general and thinks the Portuguese language is the most fun in the whole world.